The procedure or checklist for the footing layout is as follows.
1. Reference point:
Before entering into the actual layout work, you have to study all the given details in the building layout plan & grid line. The measurement from the reference point or from the site boundary should be noted down.
The c/c distance between all the columns should be calculated beforehand. Also, the measurement between the gridline should be known in advance for the practical establishment over the ground.
2. Orientation:
If there is a road on any one side of the building plan then you can easily make out the orientation of the layout. If the land does not contain any reference point, then you have to check the orientation by using the compass. The compass should be matched with the given north direction over the site plan to know the orientation.
3. Corner marking:
All 4 corners of the building should be established by taking measurements from the plot or land boundary. If the reference point like an electric pole, tree, buildings, etc. is shown over the plan with distance, then you have to establish the corners by using them.
4. 3-4-5 rule:
By using the 3-4-5 rule, all the corners of the building layout or gridlines should be made perfectly 90°. Lineout string, measuring tape, & plumb bob, are used to carry out the process. The diagonal of the corners should be checked to finalize the corner markings.
To know in detail about the 3-4-5 method, Go through the article👇
5. Point transfer:
The outer corner markings of the structure should be transferred at least 2m. away from that point. If we install the reference pillar (burzi) within a 2m. distance, then it may create a disturbance when we excavate the footing pit.
Simultaneously use a line out string & a measuring tape to transfer those points. Make a permanent pillar structure (burzi) of masonry or concrete to establish those reference points. A steel rod of 6mm. dia. should be used as a center point of reference pillars.
You have to make 8 such pillars as a reference point as shown in the drawing. The upper surface of all the pillars should be kept at the same level. The level should be transferred by using a water level tube.
6. Gridline:
The outer point of the grid line is marked over the ground by using a lineout powder & plumb bob.
The measurement of the center of all the columns is transferred to the ground by holding a tape over the lineout string. A plumb bob is used while transferring the column location to the ground. Double-check the column center position by measuring from all the adjacent column points.
7. Layout:
Once the column center is established, all the footing periphery is measured from the center. If the size of the footing pit is 4ft.× 4ft., then you have to take 2ft. on all 4 sides from the column center. All 4 corners of the footing are nailed by using 6mm. steel piece. Check the diagonal, length & breadth of the marked footing. Tie the lineout string passing through all the hammered steel rods & mark the footing pit by using lineout powder.
👀 To go through all types of construction-related procedures & checklists, click here.
Thank you for going through this article❤. Have a good day 😄.
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