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What is hacking in civil construction?- Purpose & technical specification of hacking.

 The word hacking carries a different meaning in the cyber world. When we say hacking in the civil construction field, it refers to the partial removal of the concrete, stone, or brick wall material, and synonymously chipping or indenting the concrete surface.

1.  What do you mean by hacking the concrete surface?

The process of chiseling or indenting the smooth concrete surface to make it rough, so that we can achieve the required bond strength with all the types of plasterwork or tile work is called hacking.

Hacking work can be done either manually or mechanically, depending upon the concrete work, type of structural members, and site conditions.

In manual hacking, a masons hammer or chisel is used as a tool. Here the hacked surface looks erratic with uneven depth as shown in fig. below.

                                                                   masons hammer

In mechanical hacking, the surface is cut with the machine, using concrete cutter blades. The hacked surface looks evenly distributed as shown in the fig. below.

                                                    machine with the cutter blade

2.   When do we have to carry out the hacking work?

The best time to make hacking is not less than 48 hours and not above 72 hours from the casting time of the concrete. This time period range gives the required hacking depth, as the hardness of the concrete increases in the later stage.

3.  The technical specification for the concrete hacking :

a.   The depth of the hacking should be 2 to 4 mm. from the concrete surface.

b.   The number of hacking should be 20 to 30 / sq.ft., depending upon the indented individual length.

c.   The ideal hacking length should be in the range of 30 - 50 mm.

Note:  If the hacked indent length is 50mm, then the hacking count per sq. ft. decreases and stands near 20/sq.ft, and vice versa.

4.    Why concrete hacking is necessary?

When we apply a plaster coat or clad the tiles over the concrete surface, it needs proper bonding without falling or dis-engaging from the surface. Roughening the surface helps to achieve this cohesive potential for good bonding.

 Although there are lots of solvents available in the market to achieve the chemical bonding between these materials, still, hacking is the best practice having an added advantage over chemical coatings. 


5. The other meaning of the word hacking in civil construction.

 In some regions, the word hacking is also used when the old or damaged RCC structures were demolished.

Sometimes when the surface of the old concrete is chipped or cut to achieve the bonding between the old and the green concrete, then the word hacking comes into the picture. (SAID AS CONCRETE HACKING).

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