Now, let us look into the three common questions which are generally asked, regarding the vibration of the concrete.
1. Why concrete vibration is needed?
Freshly mixed concrete contains about 5 to 8% of voids in them due to entrapped air bubbles and water molecules. Even when we mix coarse and fine aggregates in the right proportion, these voids were created due to the irregular shape of these raw materials. So, it becomes necessary to remove those voids, to achieve the required consolidation or compaction of the concrete.

This compaction can be done by vibrating the concrete, using different types of concrete vibrators as per its requirement and purpose.
2. What are the advantages of concrete vibration?
1. It helps to achieve the required density of the concrete.
2. We get the concrete of good strength and durability.
3. Enhances the bonding strength between the rebar and the concrete.
4. Vibration gives a good surface finish to the structural members.

5. We can achieve the designed water-cement ratio.
6. It helps to control the segregation and bleeding of the concrete.
7. Vibration increases the bonding between the different structural members at their junctions.
8. It helps to have a firm grip between the old and the green concrete at the connection point.
3. What are the different methods of concrete vibration?
The vibration of the concrete can be done in 5 different methods. They are,
1. Inserting the needles of the immersion vibrator directly into the freshly poured concrete.
2. External vibration of the concrete using a vibratory table.
3. Vibrating the surface of the concrete with the help of a screed or pan vibrator.
4. By fixing the shutter vibrator over the formwork at regular intervals, we can provide external vibration to the concrete
5. Vibrating the reinforcement bars, by holding or clamping the rebar shaker which in turn transmits the vibration into the concrete.

❤ Go through the articles 👇
1. Different types of concrete vibrators./ Various types of vibrators used in the construction works.
2. Needle vibrators for concrete - their size, usage, guidelines & precautions.
Thank YOU for reading my article😄.
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