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Difference between window drapes & window curtains.

Although we use both the words, window drapes, and curtains interchangeably, there is a clear distinction between the two. Let us see now, what they really mean.

1. Window Drapes:

Window Drape

1. They are formal with a heavier fabric design.

2. They have some extra clothes with pleats and foldings as a front look.

3. They are longer than the curtain size, sometimes up to the floor level.

4. Hung-up rods were hidden under the wooden panel or front fabric.

5. They are aesthetic and elegant in look.

6. They are used in five-star or high-end restaurants to provide a rich look to the area. 

7. Usually, they find their place in the main rooms or halls of royal homes.

8. They fall in the higher price range, which increases according to their fashion design and quality of the materials.

2. Window curtains:

Window curtain

1. They are more casual with a simple look.

2. They are made up of a single piece of cloth with hooks for the hangings.

3. They are shorter in size, usually of the size which is slightly below the window sill.

4. Usually, the hung-up rods can be seen, which are used to hold the hooks at the one end.

5. Its function of covering sunlight and privacy is given more importance rather than its look.

6. They are commonly used in all types of residential homes, hotels, and offices.

7. They come in the normal price range.

To go through the comparison & difference between the several types of building materials & construction costs, click here.

Thank you for going through this article. Have a good day😄.


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